Episode 348 – Kirkland Signature Series Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon

Kirkland Signature Series Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon

In this episode, Rob and Scott review yet another wine from Costco’s Kirkland Brand, this time the Signature Series Cabernet from the acclaimed Oakville AVA in Napa.  Will this wine be a classic representation of a wine from a classic AVA, or is it made by the same “winemaker” that made the disastrous Kirkland Signature Alexander Valley Cabernet (it is)?  We shall see…on The Wine Vault.

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Categories: Wine Vault

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The Wine Vault

The Wine Vault

Welcome to The Wine Vault. Join us each week for a new episode highlighting some great (and not so great) wines. While we’ll focus on value wines, occasionally we’ll stray into the exotic. We are The Wine Vault, after all. Raise your glass and join us, on The Wine Vault. Cheers. -Rob and Scott

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